Strange Incident at Denver International Airport


By: John Bestwick | Updated:

Thanks to a strange incident at Denver International Airport, the general public can learn about an amazing scientific breakthrough in the field of facial skin rejuvenation, which was created by an ordinary girl from Denver for her beloved mother who is starting to age.

This unbelievable story happened on when buying a plane ticket for a Denver-Singapore, border officers detained a 66-year-old woman. According to the report of one of the legal representatives, they found a discrepancy between the photo of the woman on the passport and her real face.

Despite all the arguments from the woman to prove that the woman in the passport was indeed herself, that her appearance changed because a few weeks before the flight she began to use a rejuvenating cream developed by her daughter – a medical university student, the airport employees did not trust her at all and detained the woman to clarify the situation.

We act according to instructions. The photo on the passport is a completely different person; the passport holder looks 15 years younger than the photo. What is most suspicious for me is that this passport was issued not long ago, only about a month ago. As far as I know, even with plastic surgery, it is impossible to produce such results that quickly. This is what triggers our suspicion.

Amber Biswas
Denver International Airport, Border Officer

However, it turns out there is indeed a product that can provide such fast results without surgery! And the creator of the product is an ordinary student who wanted to help her mother restoring her beauty and youthfulness.

Hello, Kelly Costner! Please tell us how you managed to create this rejuvenation product that is so effective it even made your mother a suspect because of her passport photo at the airport?

You know, this product was created for my mother, who has raised me and worked hard to support my education... A few years ago, my father passed away. I'm obviously not too fond of remembering those times. My mother raised me by herself... It was a difficult time; she had two jobs to be able to support my education. For many years, she handled the burden of providing for the family on her own. Can you imagine how difficult that was? Constant stress and the burden of responsibility ruined her health. She looked much older than her real age. Obviously, she lost the attention of men and suffered of loneliness. At such age, it is quite difficult to build your personal life.

Are you trying to help her?

Of course, how could you think that I could watch my mother withering away like that calmly! After all,66 years is not even that old at all! At this age, a person starts living for themselves, creating a happy personal life! I was so motivated to help my mother and decided to look for a rejuvenation product in order to restore her beauty and confidence. However, whether in the pharmacy, in the beauty salon, or on the Internet, I couldn't find a really good rejuvenating cream.

And you decided to develop your own product?

Yes, because I am studying Pharmacy and will soon finish my University, becoming a specialist with a diploma. Therefore, I have the ability and knowledge to do that. I only use natural ingredients in my development.

The first result is astonishing! You can take my mother's story as an example. The trip to Singapore was my gift to her on her birthday. I managed to put together some money I made from my side job and then decided to make her happy with a short trip so she could rest, relax, maybe meet someone. This is her first flight abroad, and her passport was only made 1.5 months before the flight. Imagine how much younger my development made her during this time that even the airport officials did not believe that it was her in the photo at all? Even for me, the effects of the rejuvenating cream are very surprising, but believe me; this is a pleasant surprise. Thanks to my cream, my mother looks young and attractive, and this is important for women.

My product quickly smooths wrinkles, even in old age, tightening the skin naturally, and removing eye bags – this is a real recipe for rejuvenation. After seeing the first results, I decided to patent my formula, and I get it right on time! After getting the patent, my phone began to be bombarded by calls and messages from representatives of western pharmaceutical companies. They all asked me to sell this recipe to them and transfer the copyright from this rejuvenating cream.

But, you didn't accept the offer, right?

Of course. I created the rejuvenation product for my mother, not for profit. I want other ordinary women, who do not have hundreds of thousands of dollars for rejuvenation procedures and surgeries, to regain their beauty and youth. This is my vision, and I cannot break my own principles.

How did you manage to conduct the full production of the product? It obviously requires a lot of funds.

The head of the University helped me. Together with our laboratory and the Institute of Science and Research, we are able to conduct the production of the rejuvenating cream directly in this place. And he even gave a pretty name for the product – Berry Facial Cream

Kelly Costner's development is truly unique. The ingredients' contents and the right proportion of it succeeded in creating a true miracle in the field of skin rejuvenation. When we ran the first clinical trial, the results surprised the entire scientific world!

Berry Facial Cream has absolutely no drawbacks that are expected by the more expensive solutions, which have side effects and contraindications, most importantly – they only give temporary effects. Berry Facial Cream shows perfect results for any age and can be used without any restrictions. Clinical trials show that even women over 65 can quickly smooth their age wrinkles, eliminate skin dryness, and skin sagging. Berry Facial Cream is also effective for preventing age–related changes for women in their 20s. The cream perfectly nourishes the skin and protects it from premature aging for years.

With confidence, I can say that currently there is no other skin rejuvenation product like this.

Eddie Tatum
Senior Researcher at the University of Pharmacy's Laboratory

We managed to meet Kelly Costner's mother, who now remembers the incident at the airport with laughter on her lips.

You surely know how delighted I am when the officers in the passport checking didn't believe that the woman in the photo was me! Honestly, even my delayed trip to Singapore could not ruin my mood that day. I am truly grateful to my daughter for this wonderful gift. It is a miracle for me!

Your daughter said that you motivated her to develop Berry Facial Cream.

It is very touching to me. I remember how she brought me the first bottle of the rejuvenating cream. At that time, there was no question about which factory produced it – it was only a gift developed and created by herself, by her own hands. I even shed tears because of it. I am very grateful...

How long do you need to get the first results?

Not more than a month! From the time my daughter gave this gift to the time of my flight to Singapore, I used this cream every day and was surprised by the results. I became at least 15 years younger! And probably you could see it yourself!

This is not just about beauty and appearance only. My life also got better. I became more confident. People around me are also starting to be nice to me, my life now has really become more colourful! I became young not only on the outside but also on the inside! My personal life became more interesting, men who were much younger than me began to approach me! Now, I really feel real happiness as a woman, and yes, now I have a lover. How old is he – I'm not going to say it, but he's younger than me.

By the way, last time I didn't go for a vacation after I missed my flight due to the delay. However, I recently flew for a vacation with my young boyfriend! And all of this is thanks to my daughter and her miraculous Berry Facial Cream product. It's great that this rejuvenating cream will be produced in US and will help many women become better, prettier, and younger!

It should be noted that Berry Facial Cream has gone through all the necessary clinical trials and is sold with shipping available throughout the world. However, seeing the success of this new product, many counterfeit products appeared in the market. In addition, large pharmacy networks and pharmaceutical companies are still against the selling of this new product and creating many fake sites that sell this product.

We decided to distribute this product ourselves, without involving pharmacies at all. We currently sell Berry Facial Cream to our customers directly. We do not use any intermediaries such as commercial pharmacies.

If you order before you will have the opportunity to get Berry Facial Cream with a MAXIMUM DISCOUNT. This promotion is designed to draw public attention to this product. We are hoping to get a "word of mouth" effect because we believe that people will start recommending this product to their friends and family.

But how much is the normal price for the product?

We offer attractive discounts, so that everyone will be able to buy it. The discount is up to 60%. Fortunately, this product manufacturer understands the importance of making this product affordable to all people.

WARNING: Beware of fake products!

Berry Facial Cream can be available with MAXIMUM DISCOUNTS only when ordering through the supplier's website.

Irene Harris

Here goes the miraculous remedy!!! I want it too. I don't even mind missing 10 flights!

  • Like
Gabriella Lewis

So, where's the problem? Let's order Berry Facial Cream and become young again!

  • Like
Elisabeth Walker

I've already bought it. This is the result!

  • Like
Katherine Burton

The results are really amazing!

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Helen Wilson

The most important thing is the transformation that is happening within you. First, your face returns to its youth, then your life begins to be filled with a variety of emotions and excitement again, and this cannot be expressed in words!

  • Like
Edith Garcia

I fully agree with that! After using this cream, my husband started to get interested again in me, we went through the second teenage years, now we're having sex more often than it was 20 years ago!

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Diana Miller

This is my photo. Now, I'm even embarrassed to see how I used to look!

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Camille Davis

I also agree! This cream works effectively to deal with the imperfections on the face – all gone – the wrinkles and saggy skin. From the first use, the results can already be seen.

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Jessica Mosk

I'm 53 years old, how do you think, does this cream can help me? I have a lot of deep wrinkles

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Olivia Stanford

It should help you. After all, this product is still far better than anything I have ever tried

Mary Evans

How long does it take for this kind of transformation?

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Violet Wilson

I am so happy to learn about this cream! Many things have changed in my life. Now I could get the happiness of a real woman once again... thank you!

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Stella Clark

Now people are telling me that I look under 30, incredible! Previously I was embarrassed by my appearance, now I am embarrassed to say that I am actually 43 :)

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